SPORMEDIA publishes web-based companion materials for own and purchased films.
Most of the materials are intended for high school education and general information about selected countries and topics.
The websiteDISTANT NEIGHBORS consists of thematic packages on social, economic and political topics from the three continents of the South. The theme packages are targeted at high school, especially AT courses.
Each theme pack contains from one to five movies. The accompanying materials can be downloaded for free, while the films can be viewed online via the Danish Film Institute’s online distribution and Filmcentralen. The films can also be purchased from Spor Media.
Spor Media publishes web-based companion materials for own and purchased films. Most of the materials are intended for high school education and general information about selected countries and topics.
The websiteDISTANT NEIGHBORS consists of thematic packages on social, economic and political topics from the three continents of the South.
The theme packages are targeted at high school, especially AT courses. Each theme pack contains from one to five movies. The accompanying materials can be downloaded for free, while the films can be viewed online via the Danish Film Institute’s online distribution and Filmcentralen. The films can also be purchased from Spor Media.
For Spanish lessons
The film “We break down borders” (Rompiendo Fronteras) was created when a group of young actors from Teatro Trono in Bolivia went on tour in Denmark.
They gave drama workshops in schools and colleges and showed the performance “To the Last Drop” – about the fight against water privatization in Bolivia. The movie is made by Shezenia Hannover and Anahi Machicado from El Alto, Bolivia.
Spanish teacher Anne Sofie Scherrebeck has created a teacher’s guide and suggested work materials for students to use in Spanish classes at upper secondary school level. The material is free of charge.
Find Rompiendo fronteras in Spanish as well as student materials and teacher guides here
For Spanish lessons
The film “We break down borders” (Rompiendo Fronteras) was created when a group of young actors from Teatro Trono in Bolivia went on tour in Denmark.
They gave drama workshops in schools and colleges and showed the performance “To the Last Drop” – about the fight against water privatization in Bolivia. The movie is made by Shezenia Hannover and Anahi Machicado from El Alto, Bolivia.
Spanish teacher Anne Sofie Scherrebeck has created a teacher’s guide and suggested work materials for students to use in Spanish classes at upper secondary school level. The material is free of charge.
Find Rompiendo fronteras in Spanish as well as student materials and teacher guides here