
Tangaza (Swahili for ‘make known’) is about giving opportunities to young people in the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic but also about using this special moment in time to combine experiences from the cultural sector with new media opportunities to communicate and involve more young women and men in the endeavor for a better future.

Tangaza takes place in the urban slums of Nairobi where Spor Media’s partner organization, Nafsi Africa, has a long track record of working with disadvantaged children and youth giving them new opportunities through cultural activities and teaching them life skills and SDGs. During the corona pandemic it has become clear that to continue developing new opportunities the young trainers need media skills to broaden out their knowledge and engagement, and Tangaza will ensure media training of trainers and young activists of Nafsi Africa and related organizations.

Using SoMe the participants will reach broader audiences in the slum and further afield.

The first students finished their training after half a year. As their final assignment they made a collective production: The Consequential Climate Activist.

Glimpse from the Tangaza training.


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Projektet modtager støtte fra CISU

